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ak benn “…and one more!”

ak benn is an association animated since 1995 by the Taizé brothers (Kër Taizé) in the Grand Yoff district of Dakar, where they arrived in 1992. Friends of ak benn is a non-profit organization based on volunteering. Since 2005 he has been dedicated to supporting ak benn from Dakar.

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What do Friends of ak benn do?

In our markets and stores we sell handicrafts made in Dakar and we also organize meetings, talks, exhibitions, etc. And that’s Friends of Ak Benn. To do this we need hands, heads, hearts, resources, a small infrastructure and renewed energies for administrative work.

In order to make it possible, you can help with your membership as a partner, by providing occasional or regular donations, by providing material help or by selling crafts. Here’s a small reality, but authentic.

A chance to act brings forth hope

We want to grow hope. The work to do is considerable, but transparent and open. And sustainable because it rests on people and walks alongside.

The children, the women, the youth… what are they doing here?

Do they realize that with “ak benn” they can lay the foundations for their future?

  • A chance to learn.
  • To discover.
  • To build and network relationships.
  • And each day to go a step further.

The Taizé brothers have been living in the neighborhood of Grand Yoff since 1992

By their attentive presence in the day to day of the local population diverse initiatives have seen the light. For the youth a huge effort of training is made which awakens a spirit of discovery, in this way they prepare themselves to become “animators” for their younger brothers and sisters.

From “li nga kham” to “ak benn”

The educative activities for the children begin with an idea expressed in the local language Wolof by: li nga kham jangal ko ko: “what you know, share it with others”. Later the need for another expression imposed itself: ak benn – it translates as “and one more” (the idea of going a step further) taking another step, learning one more letter, another commitment and many more discoveries.

The smaller children, the youth… and the mothers

A group of women and girls receive training in sewing. The young people involved also have a workshop where as a team they make diverse objects. These handicrafts are sold at exhibitions here in Dakar and in several places in Europe. With the profits of these sales, money management and saving can be learned.

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